
4chan archive florida thread
4chan archive florida thread

There is your first piece of evidence to the contrary to what the article states about the quantitative demographics of incels. The incels are a genuinely bizarre community." Racism in the incel community is rife, but this includes a lot of racism directed toward their own identity (often as a form of self hatred). Incels tend to put whites on a pedestal, which appears to be why they are often said to be white supremacists. If someone were to highlight that a lot of the rage from the incel community comes their experiences with racism (girls don’t look at me because I am Indian/Asian/Ethnic etc.) they may inspire some kind of sympathy. Incels are actually a racially diverse group. This runs opposite to the media narrative that is desperate for incels to be white men, in order to maximise public outrage towards a privileged, racist and misogynistic class. Many incels believe that whites cannot be incels, as they are ‘naturally more attractive’ (not my words, calm down!). Incels have been described to have come from the pick up artist community. While the alt-right is often seen as a group for white men, many incels are of ethnic or non-white descent. This is directly in contrast to the small government/individualism behind the alt-right. Incels prefer to be NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and live off the welfare state (‘neetbux’)or their parents in order to LDAR (Lay Down and Rot). Incels are often mistaken for being alt-right but they are remarkably different and detest the label. Here's the first link I can offer from a closed Facebook group that I am a member of: įrom the article: "A lot of common knowledge on incels, especially in articles surfacing now, is incorrect.

4chan archive florida thread

Jorm ( talk) 01:00, 23 June 2018 (UTC) Jorm: Thank you for the advice. Lanebriand37 ( talk) 00:59, 23 June 2018 (UTC) Unless you (or someone else) can provide reliable sources that state the contrary to what the article does, you'll be disappointed when you "check back next week". Thank you and I will check back next week to see that this issue has been addressed to reflect the objective truth. Any false or unsupported statement smearing an entire race should not be tolerated by those with administrative control of Wikipedia pages. Incels are a popular topic in our modern times and Wikipedia is a common resource for many people. If that evidence is not available, then it is imperative to the integrity of Wikipedia that that statement be edited, revised, or simply removed. If that statement is going to stand, then evidence supporting that statement should be provided. The listing of them as “white,” however, does not have such intuition unless you are racist against white people.

4chan archive florida thread

There probably are intuitive reasons to suspect that most incels are male and heterosexual. There is no data or evidence cited or provided to support the statement that self-identified incels are “mostly white, male, and heterosexual.”

4chan archive florida thread