The barrier between the mortal and spirit world weakens at the solstices. Spirit world that the avatars can cross into and exists parallel to the world of mortals.The relationships characters have to their history and each other influence the events of the series immensely. Different areas of each nation have their own loyalties, each new group of people we encounter has their own grudges and conflicts to resolve that can benefit or get in the way of Avatar Aang on his journey. At the start of the series, the Avatar has been lost for 100 years– throughout the series we encounter varying reactions to the reappearance of the Avatar depending on what history the children were told by their nation– in the fire nation schools, children learn an entirely different version of history than the other nations, giving them reason to believe in their own cause for taking over other nations and defeating the Avatar, while others fear the Avatar’s power, or rejoice in his return. There are episodes covering the background on the creation of the Avatar and past avatar lives, as well as the events that took place in the one hundred years that Aang was frozen in an iceberg, which nurtures the basis of the conflict in the series.

He goes on a journey to master all four elements in order to truly become the Avatar, and to stop the Fire Lord from global takeover.īy starting off the series with a history that keeps being uncovered through each episode, the story builds upon itself quite easily and character alliances/conflicts can be created and understood quite easily. The show follows the current Avatar Aang (from the air nation), who is found in the first episode by two siblings from the water nation, after being stuck in a block of ice for 100 years.

When one Avatar dies, the next is born into the next nation.

The Avatar Cycle follows a pattern of the seasons, in the order that the very first Avatar Wan first learned the four elements when trying to bring balance between the spirit world and the mortal world: summer correlates to fire, autumn to air, winter to water, and spring to earth. Each Avatar is not physically immortal, but their souls are carried on into new vessels (reincarnated). To unite the four nations, one person is bestowed with the power to master all four elements– the Avatar. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a fantasy world based on the 4 elements of fire, earth, water, and air– it’s a world of people with elemental powers (as well as plenty without), divided into 4 nations for each element.